another girl in my portfolio... Vakkun this time, few minutes after final battle against the Empire and encounter with her sister Neida. "- Kaihet ! The battle is won -the imperial troops retreating She looked at him as he said something like " Im 40 years old and i 'd like to go fishing" -who cares they reatreating they should done it 8 years ago. .. before they ruined my life -she tought -Is she dead? -not yet Kaihet- He realized that is not very best answer he could gave her- she is badly wounded ... it wont be long. -I shouldn't fight with her -That was the only one way to stop her bloody crusade, You know it Kaihet- and she deserved it for all her crimes Vakkun looked at her captain again, this time with eyes full of tears -She was my SISTER!!! - she stopped to cry for while ,just like she realized at this moment what she did- I'd killed my own sister she slump from her chair to the floor ,and hidding her head in hands starts to sob as little girl. -oh Neida , my little pearl ,what have i done.... Captain touched her shoullder and said -I know how you feel - i lost my brothers too -I remeber ,all killed by her, I don't blame You happy she;s dead.You have your revange. -That's not important Kaihet- I wish it was someone else ... but it was your sister...sad , but the war is over and she is defeated no-she said after short silence- I am her older sister i should save her ,not kill her... I shouldn't let this gone so far... she grab her sabre still wet of Neida's blood and stand up -it is I who is deafeated in this war" Would you like to read more?